Steve Bearden

Holiday marketing strategies showing presents

Fall is officially here. While most people are breathing a sigh of relief as the heat of the summer wanes, businesses like yours are feeling the heat. You know there are some major holidays right around the corner, and you’d better be ready. Each of those holiday marketing periods represents countless sales opportunities that can make or break your business and your long-term success.

So how are small businesses like yours preparing for the Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, and other popular celebrations coming up? With holiday print marketing strategies.

Today, let’s cover the most popular holiday marketing tactics small businesses use for success. We know we’re a little early, but early is always better when you need to be prepared!

Target Your Existing Clientele

If you’ve developed a solid customer retention program, you should know who has purchased from you in the past. Whether they needed your services earlier in the year or they came by and loved your products, make sure you reconnect with them.

Previous customers are far more likely to buy from you than brand new customers. Also, returning customers can spend as much as 67 percent more than new customers. And since it’s the holiday season, they’re likely to spend even more.

That means you should reach out to your previous or current customers with special offers, coupons, and other great deals. Getting their business this holiday season should be your number one priority. After all, you know you have something they love – why not make it more special for them? That way, they’ll be sure to treat you in return.

Your Holiday Marketing Should Be Local

When looking for new business during the holidays, it’s smart to partner with local businesses. Think about a business that relies completely on local customers. Laundromats, restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, and more.

Those businesses are perfect to partner with – hang your flyers, distribute brochures and pamphlets, or hang up posters on their walls if they’ll let you. Of course, it won’t hurt to return the favor. By creating a friendly community out of local businesses, you all benefit during the holiday season.

And when you want to target your holiday marketing efforts, make sure you focus on nearby households.  When you print direct mailers, door hangers, post cards, brochures, leaflets, flyers, or any other holiday print marketing materials, make sure they go directly to your neighbors. That way, you won’t waste money on a more broad marketing strategy. Instead, all your advertising dollars will go to those people most likely to become consistent local customers.

Make It an Event

Since holidays are all about celebration, you should create your own special event. Get the word out with personalized holiday print marketing materials and draw in a crowd. Any special event for the holidays will be popular among both previous and new customers, so make sure you do it right.

These events could be a big catered party, an auction, raffle, or even a fair. Speak with your local chamber of commerce or other social clubs to figure out if any events are already scheduled. Then, bring your business there and stand out in the crowd.

Want to learn more awesome holiday marketing strategies? Keep checking the Linemark blog each week as we move through the 2022 holiday season!


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