Steve Bearden

Santa Claus trying out Christmas marketing

Christmas is right around the corner! That means gift-giving will be in full force. Does your business have a Christmas marketing plan that’ll attract new buyers, impress previous customers, and make it a Merry Christmas all around?

If your business wants to celebrate the season and bring in more customers, check out these great Christmas marketing tips!

Try Direct Mail for Christmas Marketing

Every day during the Christmas season brings new joys in the mailbox. That means your customers will eagerly check to see what they’ve gotten each day. What better time to send out a well-crafted direct mail campaign?

By being as festive as possible, your direct mail items will get noticed more than any other time of the year. One of the best ways to do this is to make your mailers look just like Christmas cards! If you use an envelope, choose green or red colors. You can also send out flyers, postcards, and other items cut into festive shapes like snowflakes, snowmen, baubles, or even mistletoe!

Think of Something Brand New for Christmas Marketing

Has your business tried all the different print marketing strategies out there? Maybe you’ve created flyers, brochures, catalogs, posters, stickers, magazines, billboards, etc. But what about really pushing the envelope during the Christmas season?

Since you know there’s a good chance you’ll have an increase in sales, it’s important to capitalize on that as much as possible. The more the merrier is never truer than during Christmas, after all.

That’s why you should consider a wide range of Christmas marketing printed materials. Promotional items like shirts, sweaters, or scarves. Pens, bags, hats, lanyards. Backpacks, decals, or even 3D printed figurines. Any of these with your branding and a proper Christmas theme will be just like a gift for your customers.

The best part is that you can give them away for free or sell them as part of a Christmas promotion in your store or alongside your services. If you’re a roofer, maybe you can give away a goodie bag full of cool Christmas-y promo items after you repair a roof.

In other words, think like Santa Claus!

Show You Appreciate Your Customers

Just as with the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s important to celebrate your success by showing how much you love your customers. The best way to do this is through a customer loyalty program.

Membership printing for Christmas can be in the form of gift cards, Christmas cards with coupons, or special products that only previous customers can get their hands on. Think carefully about your customers and what they might love under their tree – then make it happen.

Decorate for the Season!

If you have a brick and mortar location, it’s critical you put up as many Christmas decorations as you can to make it clear you’re in the holiday spirit.

You can have posters, stickers, and other items printed that show how much your business cares. Some advertise in public areas with billboards and banners that announce your Christmastime sales events.

You can even have new shirts printed for your team members to wear, whether they’re on the sales floor or providing services in customers’ homes. Just make sure that every time a customer interacts with you and your business, they get a sense that you’re as excited as they are for Christmas Day!

Want to learn more awesome seasonal and holiday marketing tips? Explore the Linemark blog or give our team of printing elves a call today!

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