Steve Bearden

Point of purchase sign helps little girl identify product

Do you own a retail store or sell products in a physical location? If so, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking carefully about how your products are arranged. Your goal is to sell as much as possible by directing customers’ eyes to the most important products and encouraging them to make purchases. That’s why point of purchase (POP) signs are so useful.

A POP sign is a marketing tool specifically created to draw attention to specific products. It can also advertise services you offer as well as other special deals on offer at a given time.

The biggest benefit in using POP signage is how well they get merchandise notices and sold. But how effective are they really?

Effectiveness of Point of Purchase Signs

Recent studies performed by Brigham Young University and others have found that product displays that use POP signage perform dramatically better than those that don’t. Surprisingly, items at full price often sold better than items at discounted prices if they had POP signage drawing attention to them.

The reason behind the effectiveness of point of purchase signs is simple. When you walk through an aisle filled with hundreds of items, you don’t always know where to look. It can be tiring to read every single item’s label and price tag. Thus, we allow bright and colorful signage to draw our attention.

Obviously, whatever the store wants to highlight in a given area is likely on sale or some kind of special promotion. Why look at all the boring stuff around it – instead, we want to read the POP display and see what it’s all about.

Even if the items are not actually on sale or have been around for years in the same place, the POP sign does its job.

Additional Benefits and Uses of POP Signs

POP signs are incredibly inexpensive. In fact, signage is among the cheapest forms of advertising. It all depends on the quality of the sign, the designs you choose, and how much you ultimately want to spend.

A POP sign could be made from a piece of white poster board. You could write on it in pencil and still get the job done. But the more thought and effort you put into your POP signs, the better they’ll perform.

Make sure when you create your POP signs, you understand your audience. You likely know your ideal customers, so create your signs with them in mind. Keep the message short and to-the-point always, just as you would with any other piece of signage. Ensure the design is clear and the wording is legible.

Perhaps most importantly, place your POP signage in highly accessible, visible areas. This means it should be nearly eye-level and in a spot where customers will have no trouble finding and reading it.

Remember, depending on your specific industry, you may need different types of POP signs. Your best bet to launch your next set of POP signs is to partner with a signage printing expert.

At Linemark, we’ve proudly helped brands create beautiful, effective signage for their businesses today. Speak with a member of our team today to find out what type of POP signs will work best to increase your sales!

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