Steve Bearden

Print marketing descriptions and styles

The technologies of the 21st century have radically changed the way we interact with advertising. We’re inundated with marketing all day, every day. As a result, it takes a truly impactful piece of print marketing for people to take notice. Consumers are picky and discerning – as a result, companies have to try to reach them in thoughtful, innovative ways.

You know the huge benefits of print marketing materials. Merely touching an advertisement is a far stronger way to build a connection with a brand than seeing their ads on social media. Consumers perceptions of a brand can be completely changed simply by holding a business card.

That same experience cannot be replicated in the digital world. Thus, your business should use print marketing at every opportunity to engage with your customers. Let’s explore some of the unique ways you can engage your target audience with print marketing.

Make Print Marketing Interactive

The more exciting or interesting your print marketing materials, the better. While you may not want to print a maze or crossword on the back, figuring out some way to keep it in recipients’ hands longer is key. Whether that’s a pop-up feature, a clever insert, a captivating piece of content like a riddle, or even a QR code directing them to your website, interactivity is critical.

Use Custom, High-Quality Paper

Everybody has had a stack of unimaginative junk mail on their counter at some point. Don’t let your print marketing materials join that stack. Instead, make your marketing stand out by choosing unique paper like linen paper, waterproof paper, seed paper, or other available options. Just because plain office paper is the cheaper route doesn’t mean you should use it at every opportunity.

You want your customers to hold your ad and appreciate every aspect of it. The thicker, sturdier, more durable the paper, the longer it’ll last. Plus, artwork, images, and branding will look far better on quality paper than on the cheaper stuff. And when those boring, flimsy fliers fall off onto the floor, your materials will stay strong and attract the eye better than ever.

Consider the Texture

The way human beings experience the world has a lot to do with touch. The same can be said for how we feel about a brand. We’ve all seen business cards that looked and felt like they were printed on construction paper. We’ve also held cards that seemed as sturdy as a credit card and were just as flashy.

Texture can result from the type of paper you choose (as we discussed above) or from the custom finishes you apply. Whether it’s your business card or direct mail marketing flyer, make sure to think carefully about the way it feels. Even subtle enhancements to texture can work wonders. Remember the longer your customers hold and appreciate your print marketing materials, the better.

Just because the world has moved firmly into a more digital direction doesn’t mean you can’t succeed with tried and true marketing methods. Print marketing is stronger than ever – brands that figure out novel and interesting ways to engage with their customers can see some tremendous benefits. If you’d like to learn more about engaging with your customers through print marketing, you’re in the right place.

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