When you send out print mail, do you make sure to include a call to action every time? Without one, your potential customers might be left feeling confused after they read what you sent them. The last thing you want as a marketer is for leads to be left on the table because people didn’t know what to do next.
However, creating an effective, concise call to action for your direct mail campaign requires a bit more thought than you might think. Many marketers believe a call to action is the same in both digital and print media, but they actually require subtle differences in delivery to be effective.
In this post, we’ll explore the power of the call to action, why it’s necessary for direct mail marketing, and how you can write the perfect call to action for your next marketing campaign.
Importance of Calls to Action
What is the ultimate purpose of your marketing strategy?
If you’re like most businesses, the answer is simple: to get more business.
Even if you execute every element of your printed mail campaign perfectly, you have to offer recipients a clear next step. Otherwise, your marketing strategy may utterly fail to generate more business. Every postcard, pamphlet, flyer, brochure, or other form of mailer should be actionable in that it encourages the reader to take a specific action afterward, no matter what the rest of the content is about.
Writing an Impactful Call to Action
When writing a call to action, there’s no need to be too over-the-top. Don’t make it too “salesy” and refrain from using flowery language to describe yourself or your company. Instead, keep it simple, uncluttered, and straightforward.
If you stick to the point that the reader can contact you, visit your location or your website, or take some other action and attain something desirable, your call to action will have done its job. Make sure it is in a very obvious location in the design (usually at the bottom of a page of content or the top of a page in a graphic element) so readers can find it immediately.
Call to Action Tips
- Consider your target audience carefully. What are their specific needs and requirements, what challenges do they face, and how will your products or services help them?
- Remember that a printed call to action will require more specific instructions because readers may not be sitting at their computers where they can simply look at your website or click the Contact button to take the next steps.
- Make sure the content of your call to action is easily understood as a means by which the reader can add value to their lives or receive some sort of benefit.
- Offer multiple ways for people to get in touch with you. This can be your phone number, email address, social media profile, or your physical location.
- Create a sense of urgency in the call to action by setting a specific date by which they must take the action. Or, you can incorporate scarcity with phrases like “while supplies last”.
- Leave out technical or legal information in your call to action whenever possible. These can be saved for the fine print or disclaimer section of your mailer if they are necessary.
Need an Idea?
The Linemark team has a long history of helping business create and execute quality direct mail campaigns. For more information on how we handle direct mail or for ideas on how you can generate more business in your next marketing campaign, contact us today.