Tools You Can Use
The following is a guide to envelope types, styles, and sizes. Below you will find the different styles of envelopes. These envelope sizes apply only to the United States. Standard International envelope sizes differ.
Commercial Envelopes


#6 1/4

#6 3/4

#7 3/4

Monarch (pointed flap)




Baronial Envelopes
Used for formal invitations, greeting cards, and some stationery, Baronial is an open side, almost square envelope with deep pointed flaps and diagonal seams. Send formal announcements or use Baronial envelopes with fancy social stationery.

4 Bar

Square Envelopes
Square envelopes are very distinctive due to their large square flaps and side seams, but the nonstandard size and shape can increase postage costs. Square envelopes are used primarily with announcements, advertising, and specialty greeting cards or other mailings where the sender wants to draw attention to the contents.

Announcement Envelopes
Square envelopes are very distinctive due to their large square flaps and side seams, but the nonstandard size and shape can increase postage costs. Square envelopes are used primarily with announcements, advertising, and specialty greeting cards or other mailings where the sender wants to draw attention to the contents.

Booklet Envelopes
Open side envelopes with small square or wallet flaps and side seams, booklet envelopes are ideal for overall printing and mailing. Booklet envelopes are used not only for booklets but for brochures, catalogs, annual reports and other multi-page mailings.

Catalog Envelopes
Open-end style envelopes with wallet flaps and center seams, catalog envelopes are used for magazines, reports, catalogs, and other heavyweight materials. Policy envelopes, used for insurance policies, wills, mortgages, and other legal papers sometimes come with a full-view window on the face.